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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I integrate Outomated with my CI/CD pipeline?#


What OS are supported?#

Currently we support Windows 10 and Windows 8.1. Support for Mac OS is very near.

What browsers are supported?#

Currently we support Chrome, Firefox, IE11. Support for Safari and Edge is very near.

Is chrome/firefox mobile emulation supported?#


Can I test my applications that are still on localhost?#

We will provide our own support for this very soon, but for now please use free services like or ngrok.

With Outomated my tests will need to kept out of my codebase, I feel bit uncomfortable about it.#

Outomated is designed to be the single source of truth for all your e2e tests. Outomated keeps the source code, run history, screenshots, previews and all debug information that are always available. Since e2e tests are different from unit tests and don't test implementation paths but the expected behavior, in our opinion it is ok to keep them separately.

Can I also test my web apps on real mobile devices?#

Not yet, but should be available in 8 to 10 months.